Mission Driven Bank Fund

The Mission: To foster a sustainable, strong, and more inclusive banking system by providing capital and support to mission-driven banks that extend credit and financial services to lower-wealth communities, rural communities, and communities of color across the United States.

Our Impact Objectives

Drive significant growth and financial resiliency in the mission-driven bank sector in a manner that translates into demonstrated progress in closing the racial income and wealth gap over the Fund’s term and beyond.

The Investible Market

The mission-driven banking sector comprises ~300 institutions, most of which are small (<$500mm assets) and privately owned with limited access to capital. The Fund will complement the 2021 federal Emergency Capital Investment Program, which consisted almost entirely of Tier One equity capital and reached only about one in three eligible institutions.

The Strategy

We invest across the capital structure to align with the needs of the investees. The investments could include equity, subordinated debt, direct credit facilities, deposits, and structured or securitized investments. We also support the mission-driven bank ecosystem with strategic investments in technology platforms or other companies directly enabling the sector’s growth and resiliency.

Our objective is to execute the Mission Driven Bank Fund's mission with the support of our partners Calvert Impact and Strategic Value Bank Partners.

Please visit Mission Driven Bank Fund to learn more.